Comparison between the Manifold and Shelf Style Freeze Dryers
Manifold Style Freeze Dryer
Samples placed in special Freeze Drying Flasks
Samples must be frozen in ultra low temp freezer
No heat control, warmed by ambient air in the room
Can add samples at any time with minimal chance of cross contamination
Bench Top Manifold Style Freeze Dryer for Research Applications
Freeze drying flasks are specially designed to withstand low vaccum.
Console (free standing) manifold style freeze dryer for multiple users.
Manifolds come in several styles. T-Type (above left), Vertical (above right) and Drum style (below).
Shelf Style Freeze Dryer
Samples placed in trays
Unit will freeze samples as part of process
Heating controlled by shelves
Cannot add samples during the run
Samples are placed in trays and the trays are then put on the shelves inside the freeze dryer.
Shelf style freeze dryers come in various sizes. The bench top (above), the small pilot scale (right) and large pilot scale (below).
The shelf style dryers also come in standard (left) and cleanroom versions (right and below). The lyophilizer below is a production freeze dryer. They can be the size of a room.